Solar Blue User Manual.
Chapter 3
Flushing and zeroing water catheters
Water catheters and DT-XX pressure transducers must be flushed and zeroed
(Figure 3.16) before starting the investigation.
Figure 3.16
Flush and zero with syringe
The procedure is as follows:
Catheters and transducers have been prepared as described in the
previous subsections; the transducer holder is at symphysis pubis level.
Connect the syringes filled with sterile water to the pressure transducers as
displayed in the figure above (optionally, the LABORIE flush set can be
Push the blue flushing devices and flush the pressure transducers and
catheter lumens to expel all air bubbles.
Release the flushing devices to stop flushing.
Inspect the pressure transducers, catheter lumens and flow-reducer
visually for air bubbles. If necessary, you must flush them again.
Turn all stopcock handles counterclockwise, the text “OFF” pointed to the
catheter side.