True Scale Fabric Switches 12000 Series CLI
July 2015
Reference Guide
Order Number: G91931004US
12000 Series CLI
RmtPhysErr 0 0
TxDiscards 0 0
InPKeyViol 0 0
OutPKeyViol 0 0
InRawViol 0 0
OutRawViol 0 0
LLIntegrity 0 0
ExcesBufOvr 0 0
Port statistic descriptions:
• PhysState - The physical state of the port.
• PortState - The state of the link on this port.
• LinkWidth - The currently active link width on this port.
• LinkSpeed - The currently active link speed on this port. Port speed is LinkWidth *
• SymblErrors - The number of times a 8B10B encoding violation, or a disparity
violation was detected. If multiple errors are detected simultaneously (in more than
one lane), the counter only increments by one.
• ErrRecovery - The number of times the link error recovery proccess happened
• LinkDowned - The number of times the link error recovery process failed.
• RcvErrors - Number of errors received on the port.
• RmtPhysErr - Number of remote physical errors received on the port.
• TxDiscards - Number of port transmit discards.
• InPKeyViol - Number of times PKey inbound invalid.
• OutPKeyViol - Number of times PKey outbound invalid.
• InRawViol - Number of times raw inbound packet discarded.
• OutRawViol - Number of times raw outbound packet was discarded.
• LLIntegrity - Number of local link integrity errors.
• ExcesBufOvr - Number of excessive buffer overrun errors.
The -leaf and -spine options are only available on platforms with removable leaf and
spine modules.
ismPortStats will not return meaningful information until three things have occurred
1) The SM has configured a LID for the switches in the chassis
2) The chassis software has discovered that the switches have been assigned a LID and
has polled for port statistic information.
3) The management leaf is down or not installed.