12000 Series CLI
True Scale Fabric Switches 12000 Series CLI
Reference Guide
July 2015
Start on slave CMU? [N]
Sample Output 2:
-> smconfig startAtBoot yes startOnSlaveCmu yes
Saving complete...
Use this command to configure the subnet manager. Changes to these parameters do
not take effect until the chassis management card(s) is rebooted. This command is only
available on the master chassis management card.
Displays the LID of the subnet manager.
Sample Output
sm_state = MASTER count = 572781 LMC = 0, Topology Pass count = 339, Priority =
0, Mkey = 0x0
Intel 12300 GUID=0x00066a00da000000 MM 1, Ch
Node[ 0] => 00066a000600013c (2) ports=24, path=
Port ---- GUID ---- (S) LID LMC _VL_ __MTU__ _WIDTH_
____SPEED____ CAP_MASK N# P#
0 00066a000600013c 4 LID=0001 LMC=0000 8 8 2k 2k 4X 4X 2.5
2.5 00000a4a 0 0
4 0000000000000000 4
8 8 2k 2k 4X 4X 2.5/
5 5.0 00000000 1 22 4 22
5 0000000000000000 4
8 8 2k 2k 4X 4X 2.5/
5 5.0 00000000 1 23 4 23
6 0000000000000000 4
8 8 2k 2k 4X 4X 2.5/
5 5.0 00000000 1 24 4 24
7 0000000000000000 4
8 8 2k 2k 4X 4X 2.5/
5 5.0 00000000 2 24 7 24
8 0000000000000000 4
8 8 2k 2k 4X 4X 2.5/
5 5.0 00000000 2 23 7 23
9 0000000000000000 4
8 8 2k 2k 4X 4X 2.5/
5 5.0 00000000 2 22 7 22