XSWI1 Pos sboTimeout
Range: 2 to 60 s in steps of 1 s
Default: 30 s
This setting specifies the maximum time between a select and an operate command to disconnect switch 1 signals
marked Disc0XCBR1.PosOpn.ctlVal and Disc0XCBR1.PosCls.ctlVal in order for the operand to be successful. This setting is
only relevant when XSWI1 Pos ctlModel is sbo-with-normal-security or sbo-with-enhanced-security.
Disc0XSWI1 BlkOpn ctlModel
Range: status-only, direct-with-normal-security, sbo-with-normal-security
Default: direct-with-normal-security
This setting selects the control model clients must use to successfully control the disconnect switch 1 signal marked
DiscCSWI1.BlkOpn.ctlVal signal on the Disconnect Switch Logic diagram in the Settings > System Setup section later. This
signal when true blocks disconnect switch 1 trip control while the operand selected by setting XSWI1 ST.LOC OPERAND is
not active.
Disc0XSWI1 BlkCls ctlModel
Range: status-only, direct-with-normal-security, sbo-with-normal-security
Default: direct-with-normal-security
This setting selects the control model clients must use to successfully control the disconnect switch 1 signal marked
DiscCSWI1.BlkCls.ctlVal signal on the Disconnect Switch Logic diagram in the Settings > System Setup section later. This
signal when true blocks disconnect switch 1 close control while the operand selected by setting XSWI1 ST.LOC OPERAND
is not active.
Disc0CSWI1 Pos ctlModel
Range: status-only, direct-with-normal-security, sbo-with-normal-security, direct-with-enhanced-security, sbo-with-
Default: direct-with-normal-security
This setting selects the control model clients must use to successfully control the disconnect switch 1 signals marked
DiscCSWI1.PosOpn.ctlVal and DiscCSWI1.PosCls.ctlVal on the Disconnect Switch Logic diagram in the Settings > System
Setup section later. These signals force a disconnect switch trip or close control while the operand selected by setting
XSWI1 ST.LOC OPERAND is not active.
Disc0CSWI1 Pos sboTimeout
Range: 2 to 60 s in steps of 1 s
Default: 30 s
This setting specifies the maximum time between a select and an operate command to disconnect switch 1 via
BkrCSWI1.Pos in order for the operand to be successful. This setting is only relevant when CSWI1 Pos ctlModel is sbo-
with-normal-security or sbo-with-enhanced-security.
Disc0CSWI1 Pos operTimeout
Range: 0.000 to 65.535 s in steps of 0.001s
Default: 5.000 s
This setting specifies the maximum time between an operate command to disconnect switch 1 via BkrCSWI1.Pos until
BkrCSWI1.Pos.stVal enters the commanded state. The command terminates if the commanded state is not reached in
the set time.
Setting Groups
The UR implements a setting groups element as detailed in the Control Elements > Setting Groups section of this chapter.
The active setting group and the setting group open for edits can be selected via MMS commands SelectActiveSG and
SelectEditSG. The setting related to these IEC 61850 commands are described here.
Navigate to
Settings > Product Setup > Communications > IEC 61850 > Control Elements > Setting Groups
to access
the setting that configures the IEC 61850 setting group commands.