Range: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 5-4, 6-4, 6-5, 7-4, 7-5, 7-6
Default: 4
When the value entered is 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, or 7, the User Priority value in the IEEE 802.1Q VLAN tag included in published
TxGOOSE1 messages is set to that value. When one of the two-digit values is entered, the dynamic priority feature is
selected: the first event message has the User Priority value of the first digit, and User Priority is decremented in each
following message until reaching the value of the second digit. For instance, if the selected value is 7-5, then the User
Priority values in successive messages beginning with the message triggered by an event is 7, 6, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, and so on.
Do not make a dynamic priority selection when standard behavior is required.
Network devices can forward a message with a higher priority value before a message with a lower priority value, which
speeds delivery of high priority messages in heavily loaded networks. The standard recommends that higher priority
messages, such as GOOSE, have priority values in the range of 4 to 7.
Range: 0 to 4095 in steps of 1
Default: 0
The value entered sets the VID value in the IEEE 802.1Q VLAN tag included in published TxGOOSE1 messages. VID can be
used by network devices to direct messages to only selected devices, reducing network burden. VID values of 0 and 1
are assigned by IEEE 802.1Q to other functions and are not to be used for GOOSE.
Range: 0 to 65535 in steps of 1
Default: 0
The value entered sets the APPID value in published GOOSE messages and can be used by subscribers to discriminate
TxGOOSE1 messages from other GOOSE messages.
The standard reserves the value range 0 to 16383 for GOOSE Type 1 (Fast messages), and reserves the value range
32768 to 41151 for GOOSE Type 1A (Trip messages). Some subscribers can process messages in the Type 1A range
faster than messages in the Type 1 range. The standard reserves the default value (0) to indicate lack of configuration.
The standard strongly recommends unique, source-orientated APPIDs within a given system.
TxGOOSE1 ConfRev
Range: 0 to 4294967295 in steps of 1
Default: 1
The value entered sets the confRev value in published GOOSE messages, and can be used by subscribers to discriminate
TxGOOSE messages of the expected configuration revision from messages of a different revision. The standard requires
that confRef be incremented each time the members or the order of the members published is changed, and each time
the data set name is changed. The standard states that the value of 0 is reserved.
Range: 0 to 100 ms in steps of 1 ms
Default: 4 ms
If the entered time is non-zero, when a member value change is detected, four event transmissions are sent, then
heartbeat transmissions resume. The interval between the first and second event transmissions, and between the
second and third, is the time set here. The interval between the third and the fourth event transmission is double the set
time. If the entered time is zero, only a single event transmission occurs, then heartbeat transmissions resume.
Range: 1 to 300 s in steps of 1 s
Default: 300 s
The value entered sets the timeAllowedtoLive value in published TxGOOSE1 messages. The standard requires
subscribers to assume a failure has occurred when another TxGOOSE1 message is not received within the published
timeAllowedtoLive time.