When . transporting . your . FLYER .
e-bike, .check .it .at .regular .intervals .to .
make . sure . it . is . securely . fastened. . If .
your .FLYER .falls .out .of .the .carrier, .it .
can .cause .serious .accidents.
Avoid .transporting .your .FLYER .on .the .
roof of a vehicle and always cover the
motor with a rain protection cover to
prevent . it . from . becoming . damaged. .
It .is .recommended .to .cover .the .entire .
FLYER . e-bike . with . a . rain . protection .
• Please note that loose parts, such
as tools, luggage and tool bags,
air . pumps . etc. . could . fall . off . during .
transport. .This .may .put .other .people .
on . the . road . at . risk. . All . loose . parts .
should therefore be removed from the
FLYER .before .you .set .off.
A .roof .rack .changes .the .total .height .of .
your .vehicle.
Also .make .note .of .the .maximal .load .
capacity .for .the .roof .of .the .vehicle.
The brake lever may not be pulled when
your .bike .is .lying .down .or .upside-down, .
or .if .a .wheel .has .been .removed.
Otherwise, . air . bubbles . can . form . in . the .
hydraulic system, which can lead to
brake . failure. . Each . time . you . transport .
your bike, check afterwards whether
the trigger point of the brake feels softer
than .before. .Then .slowly .apply .the .brake .
once. . This . removes . air . from . the . brake .
If .the .trigger .point .remains .soft, .do .not .
use .your .bike. .Your .FLYER .specialist .re-
tailer .must .vent .the .brake.
You .can .avoid .this .problem .by .applying .
the brake lever before transport and
then . fixing . it . in . this . position . using . a .
strap. .This .prevents .any .air .from .enter-
ing . the . hydraulic . system. . Please . note .
that the brake lever may not be pulled
when . the . wheel . has . been . removed. .
Place a spacer between the brake
blocks .if .you .need .to .remove .the .wheel.
The rider is responsible for transport by car in
compliance with the applicable laws and regula
tions. .Biketec .AG .cannot .be .held .liable .in .connec-
tion .with .the .transportation .of .the .FLYER .on .roof .
or .rear .carriers.
Do . not . transport . your . e-bike . upside .
down. . When . securing . the . bike, . en-
sure that no damage is caused to the
fork .or .the .frame.
You . may . not . attach . your . e-bike . to .
the roof rack or rear carrier by its
crank .set. .The .e-bike .must .always .be .
transported . standing . on . its . wheels. .
Non-compliance . may . result . in . dam-
age .to .the .e-bike.
When .transporting .the .e-bike .by .car, .
the battery must be removed and
transported . separately. . Make . sure .
that the battery contacts are safe from
short .circuiting. .
Public transport
Obtain .information .regarding .the .local .regulations .
when .you .intend .to .transport .your .e-bike .on .public .
Obtain .information .regarding .the .legal .guidelines .
if .you .intend .to .transport .your .FLYER .by .aircraft. .
Ask .your .airline.
20. Wearing parts
Your .FLYER .is .a .technical .product .and .therefore .
requires .regular .inspection.
Many . parts . of . your . FLYER . are . subject . to . very .
rapid wear, depending on their function and the
extent .of .usage.
This includes:
• Tyres
• Brake pads
• Brake discs
• Bicycle chain or drive belt
Chain .wheels, .sprockets, .jockey .wheels
Lighting .system
• Handlebar grips
Gear .and .brake .cables
• Bearings
• Suspension elements
Have .your .FLYER .regularly .inspected .in .
a . FLYER . specialised . workshop . and .
have wearing parts replaced as re
quired. . Regular . visual . inspection . for .
cracks, scratches and damage to com
ponents .is .the .responsibility .of .the .rider.
As .is .the .case .with .all .mechanical .com-
ponents, . the . bicycle . is . subject . to . wear .
and .tear .and .high .stress. .Depending .on .
the degree of stress imposed on them,
different materials and parts may react
differently .in .terms .of .wear .and .fatigue. .A .
part .may .suddenly .fail .and .cause .injuries .
to the rider when its intended service life
is .exceeded.