5.8 Operation with FLYER D0 dis-
play and FLYER RC0 remote control
Your .FLYER .with .Panasonic .drive .is .operated .via .
the . FLYER . RC0 . remote . control . and . the . FLYER .
D0 .display. .
FLYER RC0 remote control operating console
FLYER D0 display
1. .On/Off .button
Um . das . System . einzuschalten, . drücken . Sie . die .
Ein-/Aus .Taste .am .Display .während .mindestens .
einer .Sekunde. .Auf .dem .Display .wird .das .Menü .
«Drive» .angezeigt.
Das System kann nur eingeschaltet wer
den, wenn ein ausreichend geladener
Akku .eingesetzt .ist.
To activate the system, press the on/off button on
the .display .for .at .least .one .second. .The .“Drive” .
menu .will .then .be .shown .on .the .display.
The .system .can .only .be .activated .if .a .sufficiently .
charged .battery .is .used.
To turn off the electrical system, press the on/off
button .for .at .least .one .second.
The . FLYER . D0 . display . is . operated . using . the .
FLYER . RC0 . remote . control . operating . console, .
so that your hands can remain on the handlebars
while .you .ride.
Press . the . “Mode” . button . to . switch . between . the .
individual .main .menus .on .the .display.
The following four main menus are available:
Drive: .
Main .view .with .key .information .such .as .
speed, . remaining . range . etc. . The . sys-
tem .always .starts .up .in .this .view.
Trip: .
Information .about .the .current .journey
Fitness: . Information .on .the .rider’s .average .and .
maximum speed
Data: .
Information .on .the .pedal .frequency .and .
total kilometres
Error display
Press .the .“Mode” .button .to .acknowledge .the .error .
display. .Once .you .have .acknowledged .it, .the .dis-
play .disappears.
The error code gives a precise description of the