The axle nuts must be correctly fastened
after .each .chain .adjustment .process.
Work may only be performed on the
chain once the electrical system has
been switched off and the battery has
been . removed. . If . the . chain . of . your .
FLYER . e-bike . has . fallen . off . the . chain .
ring or sprocket, it is essential to switch
off the electrical system and remove the
battery before placing the chain back on
the .gear .wheels.
Chain care
The drive chain must be cleaned and lubricated
regularly in order to ensure that it functions well
(see .section .“Inspection .plan”).
Dirt .can .simply .be .washed .off. .You .can .also .clean .
the . chain . by . wiping . it . with . an . oil-soaked . cloth. .
Once .it .is .clean, .it .must .be .lubricated .at .the .joints .
with .a .suitable .lubricant. .After .leaving .for .a .short .
while, .wipe .off .the .excess .lubricant.
10-15 .mm
Belt drive
The .Gates .Carbon .Drive .belt .is .very .durable .and .
long-lasting. . However, . you . must . take . extreme .
care before and during assembly to ensure that
no . damage . is . caused . to . the . carbon . fibres . that .
make .up .the .strength .of .the .drive .belt. .Extreme .
bending and twisting causes tears that can lead to
faults .in .the .belt .if .subjected .to .high .stress.
Follow . the . instructions . for . handling . the . Gates .
Carbon Drive System belt and observe the provi
sions .in .the .user .manual.
Tensioning and aligning the drive belt
Adjusting .the .tension .and .alignment .of .the .
belt . requires . a . great . deal . of . experience. .
Improper . handling . can . cause . accidents .
and .severe .falls. .Always .let .your .FLYER .
specialist .retailer .perform .this .activity.
If .the .tension .of .the .drive .belt .is .too .low, .
this can cause it to slip on the toothed
pulley. . This . may . result . in . accidents . or .
severe .falls.
The . carbon . fibres . inside . the . drive . belt .
may .also .be .damaged. .If .the .drive .belt .
slips through, take it to a specialist to be
checked .over.
If .the .tension .of .the .drive .belt .is .too .high, .
bearings and seals in the wheel hub can
become .damaged. .The .wear .and .friction .
losses on the entire drive are therefore
also .higher.
The .carbon .fibres .inside .the .drive .belt .may .also .
be .damaged. .If .the .drive .belt .slips .through, .take .it .
to .a .specialist .to .be .checked.
If .the .tension .of .the .drive .belt .is .too .high, .bearings .
and seals in the wheel hub can become dam
aged. .The .wear .and .friction .losses .on .the .entire .
drive .are .therefore .also .higher.