Adjusting the flexibility
Ensure that the pressure stages on the fork and
rear .shock .are .set .to .the .“open” .position.
Fill .the .air .chamber, .using .the .table .as .a .guide. .
To let air out of the air chamber, remove the air
cap and press the valve pin down or press the air
release .button .on .the .suspension .pump.
The air pressure in the rear suspension
element must not exceed the maximum
value .specified .in .the .relevant .operating .
There are guidelines on air pressure for certain
1. .
Different air pressures or settings
may . be . necessary. . Example: . Differ-
ent .driving .styles .and .uses .require .a .
different . air . pressure . and . flexibility. .
Therefore, .this .adjustment .procedure .
is .just .a .starting .point.
2. .
The valve cap must always be on the
suspension element while you are
riding so that dirt cannot get into the
Push .the .O-ring .for .the .suspension .path .indicator .
against .the .air .chamber/the .lower .fork .dip .pipe.
Carefully position yourself centrally on the bike,
then .get .off .again.
Important: .if .you .exert .too .much .force .on .the .bike .
while getting on and off, you will obtain imprecise
Check .the .position .of .the .O-ring .on .the .housing
of . the . suspension . element. . Check . whether . the .
flexibility .is .around .25%.
If . the . flexibility . is . lower . than . the . value . recom-
mended . by . the . bicycle . manufacturer, . i.e. . the .
suspension element is compressed by less than
25%, .reduce .the .air .pressure.
If . the . flexibility . is . higher . than . the . value . recom-
mended by the bicycle manufacturer, increase the
air .pressure. .The .air .pressure .in .the .rear .damper .
must .not .exceed .the .maximum .value .specified .in .
the .relevant .operating .instructions.
Replace .the .air .cap.
Adjustable rebound
The rebound determines the speed at which the
suspension element returns to its fully extended
position .after .compressing. .The .suspension .ele-
ments have a red rebound dial that you can use
to . adjust . the . rebound. . The . suspension . element .
extends .fastest .when .the .adjusting .knob .is .turned .
anti-clockwise .up .to .the .stop. .It .extends .slowest .
when the knob is turned to the stop in the clock
wise .direction.
Setting the rebound
You . can . determine . the . starting . point . for . setting .
the .rebound .at .the .curb.
The .flexibility .of .the .suspension .must .be .
adjusted . before . you . can . adjust . the . re-
bound .of .the .damping.
Perform the test in a safe area with no
Turn .the .rebound .dial .anti-clockwise .until .it .reach-
es .the .stop.
Ride the bike off the pavement while you are sit
ting .on .the .seat.
Count the number of times the suspension ele
ment .rebounds.
It .should .be .adjusted .so .that .it .rebounds .just .once.
If .it .rebounds .several .times, .turn .the .rebound .dial .
clockwise .one .click. .Ride .off .the .pavement .again .
and count how many times the suspension ele
ment .rebounds. .Repeat .this .step .until .the .suspen-
sion .element .rebounds .only .once.
Note .the .number .of .clicks .(or .turns) .through .which .
you .moved .the .dial .from .the .anti-clockwise .stop. .
This .is .your .rebound .setting.
If . the . rebound . is . set . correctly . for . a . suspension .
fork, the front wheel should not lift off when the
fork is compressed when stationary and abruptly
released. .If .the .front .wheel .lifts .off .the .ground .dur-
ing this test, turn the rebound through one further
click .and .repeat .the .test.
Suspension and chassis components
are . vital . parts . of . your . FLYER. . Service .
and . check . your . FLYER . suspension . at .
regular . intervals. . Have . your . FLYER . in-
spected .by .your .FLYER .specialist .retail-
er . at . regular . intervals. .The . chassis . will .
be more effective and last longer if it is
cleaned .on .a .regular .basis. .Warm .water .
with a light cleaning agent is suitable for
cleaning .this .part .of .the .bicycle.
Bikes with full suspension are not suita
ble .for .use .with .trailers .or .child .trailers. .
The bearings and fastenings are not de
signed for the forces that occur in these
cases. .This .could .cause .heavy .wear .and .
breakages .with .serious .consequences. .