The . quick-release . fastener . is . only . se-
curely closed when you need the power
of the ball of your hand to close the
clamping .lever.
The .adjustment .nut .of .the .quick-release .fastener .
must be tightened when the tightening force is not
high . enough, . e.g. . when . the . seat . does . not . stay .
in . position. . To . do . this, . the . clamping . lever . must .
be .open.
The . quick-release . fastener . cannot . be . closed .
when . the . tightening . force . is . too . high. . Open . the .
clamping lever in this case and slightly loosen the
adjustment .nut.
All . quick-release . fasteners . must . be .
firmly .closed .before .you .set .off.
Check .all .quick-release .fasteners .for .
correct attachment if the vehicle was
parked for a short time without super
vision .and .before .every .ride.
A .closed .quick-release .fastener .must .
be folded close to the frame, fork or
seat .post. .
Lock .down .wheels .or .other .parts .of .your .
vehicle .that .are .attached .with .quick-re-
lease fasteners when you park your bi
cycle. .
Quick-release axles
In .the .chassis .currently .in .use, .quick-release .ax-
les .are .also .used .instead .of .quick-release .fasten-
ers .or .screws. .These .quick-release .axles .work .in .
Tightening .the .adjusting .nut
Loosening .the .adjusting .nut
the .same .way .as .quick-release .fasteners:
The axle is screwed into the dropout and holds the
hub .between .the .fork .legs. .The .hub .and .the .axle .
are . fastened . with . a . quick-release . lever, . which . is .
operated .like .a .quick-release .fastener. .Systems .in .
which the axle is only inserted or screwed in and
then .fastened .with .a .screw .also .exist. .Refer .to .the .
attached component manufacturer instructions and
allow .your .FLYER .specialist .retailer .to .explain .the .
system .to .you .in .detail.
Ask .your .FLYER .specialist .retailer .to .ex-
plain in detail how the wheels and all
relevant parts are to be correctly and
safely .attached .using .the .quick-release .
fastener . or . quick-release . axle . system .
installed. . Please . also . follow . the . fork .
manufacturer’s .instructions .where .appli-
cable. .
Inappropriately . installed . wheels . may .
shift while you are riding or detach from
the .vehicle. .This .may .damage .the .vehi-
cle .and .lead .to .severe .or .life-threatening .
injuries .to .the .rider. .It .is .therefore .impor-
tant to take note of the following instruc
tions: Ensure that the axle, dropouts and
quick-release . mechanisms . are . free . of .
dirt. .Take .care .that .they .are .correctly .at-
tached .at .all .times.
Contact . your . FLYER . specialist . retailer .
and have your vehicle checked if you
are .not .sure.
Check . that . all . quick-release . fasteners .
and . quick-release . axles . are . firmly . at-
tached, . even . if . your . FLYER . only . re-
mained .unsupervised .for .a .short .time.
You . may . only . start . riding . when . all .
quick-release . fasteners . are . firmly .