Removing the tyre and inner tube
Unscrew .the .valve .cap, .the .fastening .nut .and .
possibly .the .cap .nut .from .the .valve.
• Release all of the remaining air from the inner
Insert .the .tyre .lever .opposite .the .valve .on .the .
inside .of .the .tyre.
Insert .the .second .tyre .lever .approx. .10 .cm .from .
the .first, .between .the .rim .and .tyre. .Lift .the .tyre .
wall .over .the .edge .of .the .rim.
• Repeat this lifting action around the wheel until
the .entire .tyre .is .free.
Remove .the .inner .tube .from .the .tyre.
Changing the inner tube
Switch the inner tube for an intact one.
Tyres with and without tubes must be
changed according to the instructions of
the .tyre .and/or .rim .manufacturer.
Reassembling the tyre and inner tube
Do .not .allow .foreign .bodies .to .get .inside .the .tyre. .
Ensure that the inner tube does not have any
folds .and .is .not .squashed.
Ensure that the rim tape covers all spoke nipples
and .does .not .have .any .damage. .
Place .one .edge .of .the .rim .into .the .tyre.
• Push one side of the tyre completely into the
Insert .the .valve .through .the .valve .hole .in .the .
rim .and .put .the .inner .tube .into .the .tyre.
• Pull the second side of the tyre into the rim with
the .balls .of .your .hands.
• Ensure that the inner tube is correctly posi
Pump .the .inner .tube .up .a .little.
• Check that the tyre is properly in place and
runs true using the control ring on the side of
the .tyre. .Adjust .the .positioning .of .the .tyre .with .
your .hand .if .it .does .not .quite .run .true.
• Pump the inner tube up to the recommended
tyre .pressure.
Please take note of the running direction
of .the .tyre .when .installing .it.
Reattaching the wheel
Reattach the wheel securely back in the frame or
fork .with .the .quick-release .fastener .or .axle.
If . your . bicycle . has . disc . brakes, . please .
ensure that the brake discs are correctly
secured between the brake pads!
Read the gear manufacturer‘s instructions to correct
ly and safely assemble and set up derailleur gear
systems, hub gears and combined hub and derail
leur .gear .systems.
Tighten all screws to the recommended
torque. .Failing .to .do .so .could .cause .the .
screws to be torn out and components to
come .apart.
Test .the .brakes.
Bicycle gears
The gear shifters regulate the necessary cycling
power .and .the .speed .that .can .be .achieved. .While .
riding in lower gears, it becomes easier to ride on
inclined planes and it reduces physical exertion
when .pedalling. .While .riding .in .higher .gears,
more physical exertion is needed to pedal, allow
ing you to reach higher speeds with lower pedal
ling .cadence.
Ask . your . FLYER . specialist . retailer . for .
detailed instructions regarding the oper
ation .and .special .features .of .the .e-bike .
gears, even if you are an experienced
cyclist. .Practise .on .an .even .and .safe .ter-
FLYERS . can . be . fitted . with . a . variety . of . different .
gears. .
There are a range of systems:
• Derailleur gears
• Hub gears
• Combined derailleur and hub gears
• Electronic gears
Motor .gears
The .two .ultra-modern .gear .types .are .of .particular .
interest .here.
Electronic gears
Electronic gears differ from mechanical ones in
part on account of their associated maintenance
and .configuration .procedures .and .their .range .of .
programmable .gear .modes.
Here, the gear shifting operations of an actuator are
incorporated in the gear, which is electronically driv
en .as .soon .as .you .press .a .gear .button. .
Ask .your .FLYER .specialist .retailer .for .detailed .in-
formation .about .what .you .can .do .with .these .gears. .
Please also read the enclosed operating instruc
tions from the component manufacturer so that you