and seat are safely attached and correctly
Check .the .battery's .charge .status
• Check that the battery is correctly and secure
ly .attached.
After each ride – FLYER rider
Cleaning .the .FLYER .e-bike
• Visual inspection of the frame and of
components for cracks and damage
• Check the tyres for damage, wear, brittleness,
foreign .objects .and .sufficient .profile .depth
• Check the rims for wear and
true running
• Check the tension of the spokes
Clean .the .chain .and .sprockets .as .required .
and lubricate them with a suitable chain oil
approved .by .the .manufacturerIf .necessary, .
clean the brake discs with a
suitable brake cleaner approved by the
Clean . all . bearings . as . required . and . lubricate .
them with suitable lubricant approved by the
Clean . suspension . elements . as . required . and .
lubricate them with original lubricant approved
by the suspension element manufacturer
• Clean all moving parts for which lubrication is
intended . (especially . quick-release . fasteners, .
quick-release . axles . and . joints) . as . required .
and lubricate them with a suitable lubricant ap
proved by the manufacturer
Allow . your . FLYER . specialist . retailer . to . instruct .
What to do after riding in rain, snow or wet con
(in .addition .to .the .points .under .“After .each .ride”)
FLYER rider
• Clean the chain and lubricate it with a suitable
lubricant approved by the manufacturer
• Clean the brake
• Clean the gear system
Check .that .all .components .are .sufficiently .lu-
Allow . your . FLYER . specialist . retailer . to . instruct .
Monthly – FLYER rider
Check .the .firm .attachment .of .all .screws, .nuts .and .
quick-release .fasteners
Every year or after every 1000 km, whichever
occurs first
FLYER specialist retailer
Lubrication .of .all .moving .parts .for
which lubrication is intended
(excluding brake surfaces)
• Visual inspection of the frame and of
components for cracks and damage
Mend .paint .damage
• Replace parts with rust spots
• Treat all bare metal parts (excluding brake
surfaces) against corrosion (rust)
• Change defective or damaged parts
• Check the wheels and centre them as
• Check the tension of the spokes
• Check and clean the
Lubricate .the .chain .with .a .suitable .lubricant
• Check the rim for wear
• Check the brake pads for wear
Check .that .all .screws, .nuts, .quick-release .
axles .and .quick-release .fasteners .are .firmly .
Check . the . brake . system . and . quick-release .
axles .and .adjust .them .or .replace .parts .if .nec-
Check .the .gear .system .and .adjust .or .replace .
parts of it if necessary
• Check the hubs
• Check the headset
• Check the pedals
Only .use .cleaning .agents .and .lubricants .
that are recommended or approved by
the .component .manufacturer. .
Please note that not all lubricants and
care products are suitable for your
FLYER. . By . using . unsuitable . lubricants .
or care products, you can damage or im
pact . the . functionality . of . your . FLYER .
Ensure that the brake pads, brake discs
and brake surfaces on the rims are not
exposed .to .cleaning .or .servicing .fluids .or .
oils, as this reduces the performance of
the .brakes.
Maintenance and
replacement of wearing parts
Components to be changed may only be
replaced . with . identical, . original . parts. .
Wearing parts too may only be replaced
with .identical, .original .components.