Safety instructions
for all electrical
Read all the safety instructions and regula
Non-compliance .with .the .safety .instructions .and .
regulations .may .lead .to .electric .shock, .fire .and/
or .severe .injuries.
Keep . all . safety . instructions . and . regulations . for .
future .use.
The term “battery” in these operating instructions
refers .to .all .standard .batteries.
Your . FLYER . is . supplied . with . the . corresponding .
operating manual for the integrated motor from
the . component . manufacturer. . You . are . strongly .
advised to carefully read the attached instruction
manual on the electric drive system before you
use .your .bike .for .the .first .time. .You .should .also .
pay .close .attention .to .the .safety .guidelines.
Information .concerning .the .FLYER .e-bike’s .oper-
ation, maintenance, care and technical data can
be found in this manual and online on the respec
tive .websites .for .the .manufacturers’ .components.
Remove .the .battery .from .the .e-bike .be-
fore .you .begin .working .on .the .it .(i.e. .in-
stallation, maintenance, working on the
chain). .The .same .applies . when .storing .
the bike or transporting it on a car, train
or .plane. .There .is .a .risk .of .injury .if .the .
electrical system is unintentionally acti
The electric drive system built into your
FLYER . e-bike . is . extremely . powerful. .
Correct .and .safe .operation .requires .you .
to . have . your . FLYER . regularly . main-
tained .by .a .specialist .retailer.
Immediately . remove . the . battery . when .
you notice damage to the electrical sys
tem, particularly when live parts are ex
posed .after .an .accident. .Always .contact .
your .FLYER .specialist .retailer .when .you .
require .repairs, .want .to .ask .a .question, .
have .a .problem .or .discover .a .defect. .A .
lack of technical knowledge can lead to
severe .accidents, .injuries .or .damage.
The . FLYER . was . designed . for . driving .
with . the . motor. . Never . drive . without . a .
battery or with the system switched off,
as no light will be available without the
battery .or .system.
Never .attempt .to .operate .your .FLYER .with .any .
battery . other . than . the . original . battery. . Your .
FLYER . specialist . retailer . will . advise . you . re-
garding .the .correct .FLYER .battery.
Never .remove .component .covers .or .parts. .This .
could . expose . live . parts. . Connecting . points .
could .also .be .live. .Maintenance .work .may .only .
be .performed .by .your .FLYER .specialist .retail-
er. .Improper .work .may .lead .to .electrical .shocks .
and .injuries.
• Take care not to damage or crush cables while
maintaining, .cleaning, .transporting .or .adjusting .
your .FLYER.
If .it .is .no .longer .possible .to .use .the .bike .safely, .
you .may .no .longer .use .your .FLYER. .This .is .the .
case when live parts or the battery are dam
aged or when you detect cracks in the frame
or .in .components. .The .FLYER .must .be .left .un-
used and secured until it has been checked by
a .FLYER .specialist .retailer.
You . should . be . particularly . careful . if . children .
have .access .to .the .bike. .Prevent .children .from .
inserting . objects . into . openings . in . the . bike. .
They . could . suffer . a . life-threatening . electric .
To .store .your .FLYER .in .an .assembly .stand, .it .
should .be .attached .by .the .seat .post. .High-qual-
ity aluminium frames may be damaged by the
clamping .force .of .the .holder.