Composants Mobilis Elite
M40 in-line feed
Interface accessory for the electrical connection of the line at a junction in-line.
To be inserted in replacement of a covering flange for the electrical connection of the installation in-line. End feeds are also
available. For cable of flexible copper and rigid aluminum. When aluminum cables are used, please request the specific instructions
for rigid cables and provide cables of minimum section 16mm² in accordance with Standard NF EN 60204-32 S13.2.
Avantage n°1
In-line feed reduces the voltage drops
Avantage n°2
IP 23: Index of protection against access to dangerous parts and rain
Références et compatibilités
T +33(0)3 88 67 10 60
F +33 (0)3 88 55 01 79
Edité le 04/01/2017
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