Composants Mobilis Elite
Special trolley for transfer element
To ensure continuity of electrical supply in the transfers and guiding of trolley for crossing transfer elements.
Caution: Operator protection against access to the live brushes on the trolley when crossing the clearance between transfer
elements must be provided by the customer. The dead length, made up of the cones of the transfer elements and the insulators,
requires the use of sets of specially designed trolleys and carriers. Trolley for short transfer element: With transfer elements with a
short cone, double or triple trolleys with a coupling bar should be used together with a triple carrier with box type ME1650 (4 poles)
or ME1655 (5 poles) to ensure current continuity. Trolley for long transfer element: Use standard single trolleys (rigid or articulated
as appropriate) and double and triple coupled trolleys. In the clearance between the transfer elements, the trolleys must be
maintained in the air. It is imperative to use a special carrier reference ME1680. In the standard version, cable 1 metre long only.
The special trolley for transfer element is used to shunt the electrical current in installations with short or long transfer elements.
The max. speed when crossing the transfer elements is 70m/min. Apart from the transfer elements, speed up to 100m/min with
rigid or articulated trolleys, 180m/min with high speed trolleys. The special trolley for transfer element is not intended to support a
load. It is inserted into the line by matching poles using a system of safety pins. The mechanical link between the trolley and the
mobile device is ensured by the carrier. The self-lubricating carbon brushes, are mounted on springs, thereby guaranteeing a
permanent contact with the conductor. The carbon brush (or brushes) are the parts of the Mobilis Elite trolley most subject to wear.
They can be easily replaced without intervention on wiring. A simple screwdriver is all that is needed. The maximum wear tolerance
is etched on the body of the trolley. The single trolley can shunt up to 40 A when travelling. For higher intensities, building a set of 2
to 3 collector trolleys (double collector, triple collector) can respectively shunt up to 80 A and up to 120 A.
Avantage n°1
Current continuity in the transfers with short transfer elements
Avantage n°2
Suitable for transfers
Références et compatibilités
Références et variantes
The following references apply to the trolleys for transfer with 1-metre
cable outlet.
T +33(0)3 88 67 10 60
F +33 (0)3 88 55 01 79
Edité le 04/01/2017
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