Composants Mobilis Elite
Ensures the mechanical link connection between the structure of the frame and the sliding hangers, fixes the position of the line in
relation with the running rail.
The fixing bracket allows to maintain the clearance between the line and the travel path. This clearance must be as parallel as
possible. The Bracket must be chosen according to the wing-thickness of the beam on which it is attached, according to the centre
distance between the beam and Mobilis and according to the weight to support. The standard bracket requires access from both
sides of the beam for tightening the tightening plates. The position of the hole must be adjusted in relation to the running rail. 2
section profiles are available and will be selected based on the load to be supported (weight of element, number of suspensions by
element, trolley, parasitic load - ice). The fast assembling clamped bracket requires access from only one side, in abutment to the
screws. The hole is automatically positioned in relation to the beam edge. Restrictions of use of the fast assembling bracket: - only
for interior service - not for line with expansion joint - not for line with dust protection lips - not for lines with transfer elements.
Avantage n°1
Available in fast assembling version
Avantage n°2
Various lengths available
Références et compatibilités
Références et variantes
The following references include several types of supports: fast assembling or not, and for beams up to 20mm or 32mm of
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Edité le 04/01/2017
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