General points
Any intervention must be carried out
with the line switched off at the mains.
Maintenance primarily concerns the conductive tracks and the trolleys.
Any damage to the conductive tracks will reduce the operating life of the brushes.
This damage may take different forms:
- Oxidation due to a chemical environment
- Abrasive dust
- Damage due to electrical arcs in the case of a faulty contact following oxidation, heavy soiling or
use of worn brushes.
Regular inspection is required to check the wear of the brushes, casters of wheels and the quality
of the conductive tracks according to the rate of use, the distance covered, and the chemical
Inspection is required when the distance covered reaches 3,000 km or after one year of
use at the most.
Monitoring the tracks
The tracks normally become covered with a protective black sheen with the repeated passage of
the collector trolleys with Elite. Check the surface condition of the tracks at a junction point
between the casings. The surface should be smooth. If the tracks are rough to the touch, run the
cleaning trolley. You will find them under the
: the cleaning trolley is not designed to run over long distances, its brushes wear down
more rapidly than the conventional brushes.
Checking the brushes
Switch the line off at the mains, take out the collector.
The replacement of the brushes depends on the line intensity, since the thicker the conductor, the
greater the wear reserve.
These limits are etched on the body of the ELITE trolley with 4 to 6 casters:
Monitoring of trolleys
Replace MOBILIS Elite trolleys every 10,000 km approximately (trolleys, 4 to 6 casters, or every
3,000 km approximately for trolleys with 2 casters – these values may be reduced according to the
operating speed and the driving conditions), or in the event of excessive wear of the driving rings,
Mobilis Elite Technical Data
T +33(0)3 88 67 10 60
F +33 (0)3 88 55 01 79
Edité le 04/01/2017
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