S5U1C17001C ManUal
(C COMPilEr PaCkagE fOr S1C17 faMily) (Ver. 1.5.0)
10 DEBUggEr
Trace information
Running the target program after setting trace mode with this command displays trace information in the [Trace]
window for each instruction executed, or outputs it to a file.
The contents of trace information displayed in a window or output to a file are as follows:
Format of each trace information line
num clk pc code bus_addr/type/data r0 r1 r2 r3 r4 r5 r6 r7 sp ie/il/cvzn src_mix
Number of executed instructions (in decimal)
Number of instructions executed since the CPU was reset
Number of execution clocks (in decimal)
Number of execution clocks since the CPU was reset
Address of executed instructions (in hexadecimal)
Instruction codes (in hexadecimal)
bus_addr: Accessed memory addresses (in hexadecimal)
Type of bus operation
: Byte data read;
: 16-bit data read;
: 32-bit data read
: Byte data write;
: 16-bit data write;
: 32-bit data write
Read/written data (in hexadecimal)
r0–r7 register values (in hexadecimal)
sp register value (in hexadecimal)
IE bit value in psr
IL bit value in psr
C, V, Z and N bit values in psr
src_mix: Disassembled contents and source codes of executed instructions
Display example
First half of information lines (trace number to register values)
num clk pc code bus addr/type/data r0 r1 r2 r3 r4 r5 r6 r7
652 1445 0040dc 9900 ------ --- -------- 000094 000000 000000 00ffff 000000 000000 000000 000000
653 1446 0040de 4000 ------ --- -------- 000094 000000 000000 00ffff 000000 000000 000000 000000
654 1447 0040e0 4000 ------ --- -------- 000094 000000 000000 00ffff 000000 000000 000000 000000
655 1449 0040e2 d900 000000 w16 00000000 000094 000000 000000 00ffff 000000 000000 000000 000000
656 1450 0040e4 2a12 ------ --- -------- 000094 000000 000000 00ffff 000000 000000 000000 000000
657 1451 0040e6 2814 ------ --- -------- 000000 000000 000000 00ffff 000000 000000 000000 000000
658 1452 0040e8 4000 ------ --- -------- 000000 000000 000000 00ffff 000000 000000 000000 000000
659 1457 0040ea 1805 003ef4 w32 000040ec 000000 000000 000000 00ffff 000000 000000 000000 000000
660 1458 0040f6 a001 ------ --- -------- 000000 000000 000000 00ffff 000000 000000 000000 000000
661 1459 0040f8 9000 ------ --- -------- 000000 000000 000000 00ffff 000000 000000 000000 000000
662 1462 0040fa 0e0e ------ --- -------- 000000 000000 000000 00ffff 000000 000000 000000 000000
663 1466 004118 0120 003ef4 r32 000040ec 000000 000000 000000 00ffff 000000 000000 000000 000000
664 1467 0040ec 8201 ------ --- -------- 000000 000000 000000 00ffff 000001 000000 000000 000000
665 1468 0040ee 9205 ------ --- -------- 000000 000000 000000 00ffff 000001 000000 000000 000000
Second half of information lines (SP value to source code)
sp ie/il/cvzn src mix
003ef8 0 0 0010
ld %r2,0x0 (main.c) 00012 i = 0;
003ef8 0 0 0010
ext 0x0
003ef8 0 0 0010
ext 0x0
003ef8 0 0 0010
ld [0x0],%r2
003ef8 0 0 0010
ld %r4,%r2 (main.c) 00014 for( j = 0; j < 6; ++j )
003ef8 0 0 0010
ld %r0,%r4 (main.c) 00016 sub(j);
003ef8 0 0 0010
ext 0x0
003ef4 0 0 0010
call 0x5
003ef4 0 0 0010
and %r0,0x1 (main.c) 00022 if(k & 0x1)
003ef4 0 0 0010
cmp %r0,0x0
003ef4 0 0 0010
jreq 0xe
003ef8 0 0 0010
ret (main.c) 00027 }
003ef8 0 0 0000
add %r4,0x1 (main.c) 00014 for( j = 0; j < 6; ++j )
003ef8 0 0 1001
cmp %r4,0x5
Summary of Contents for S5U1C17001C
Page 6: ......
Page 17: ...1 General S5U1C17001C Manual 1 General ...
Page 18: ......
Page 21: ...1 2 Install S5U1C17001C Manual 2 Installation ...
Page 22: ......
Page 29: ...3 SoftDev S5U1C17001C Manual 3 Software Development Procedures ...
Page 30: ......
Page 103: ...4 SrcFiles S5U1C17001C Manual 4 Source files ...
Page 104: ......
Page 121: ...5 IDE S5U1C17001C Manual 5 gnU17 iDE ...
Page 122: ......
Page 365: ...6 Compiler S5U1C17001C Manual 6 C Compiler ...
Page 366: ......
Page 385: ...7 Library S5U1C17001C Manual 7 library ...
Page 386: ......
Page 405: ...8 Assemblr S5U1C17001C Manual 8 assembler ...
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Page 439: ...9 Linker S5U1C17001C Manual 9 linker ...
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Page 449: ...10 Debugger S5U1C17001C Manual 10 Debugger ...
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Page 626: ...11 Tools S5U1C17001C Manual 11 Other Tools ...
Page 627: ......
Page 696: ...S1C17 Family C Compiler Package Quick Reference Reference ...