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provide information about conditions that occurred that may affect the process. An example of
error codes that require manual clearing are the power failure error codes (102 and 103). If these
error codes are enabled they are set when power is lost while the power supply is operating.
When power returns the error codes are set and must be manually cleared. For a complete list of
error codes see
Appendix C:Error Codes.
Use the following procedure to view and/or clear active error codes. If the error condition still
exists after the error code is cleared it will be set again. See
A.5.3.Error Handling Setup Menu
details on the “Error Handling Setup Menu”.
Enter the “Unit Setup Menu” by pressing and holding both encoder switches until the
display shows “Unit” “SEt” (see
A.5.Unit Setup Menu
for details).
2) Rotate the current encoder unt
il the display shows “SEt” “Err”. Then press the
voltage encoder switch to enter the “Error Handling Setup Menu”.
3) Fro
m the “Error Handling Setup Menu” rotate the current encoder to display “Err”
“CLr”. Then press the voltage encoder switch to enter the “Clear Error Menu”.
The “Clear Error Menu” can be used to view all active error codes, clear individual
error codes, or
clear all active error codes. The “Clear Error Menu” is indicated by
displaying “CLr” on the top display. Rotating the current encoder will scroll through
the list of active error codes (bottom display). If no error codes are active the only
available selections will be
“ALL” and “End”. Selecting “ALL” will proceed to screens
that allow all active error codes to be cleared. Selecting “End” exits the “Clear Error
Menu” and returns to the “Error Handling Setup Menu”. Selecting an error code will
proceed to screens that allow the selected code to be individually cleared. Once the
desired action is selected press the voltage encoder switch to proceed.
Selecting “ALL” or an error code from the “Clear Error Menu” will display a
confirmation screen. The top display will show the error code, the bottom display will
show “yES” or “no”. Rotate the current encoder to select “yES” to clear the error
code or “no” to leave the error code active.
When finished viewing and/or clearing error codes select “End” from the “Clear Error
Menu”. Press the voltage encoder switch to exit the “Clear Error menu” and return
to the “Error Handling Setup Menu”.
From the “Error Handling Setup Menu” rotate the current encoder until “Err” “End” is
displayed. Then press the voltage
encoder switch to exit the “Error Handling Setup
Menu” and return to the “Unit Setup Menu”.
From the “Unit Setup Menu” rotate the current encoder until the display shows “SEt”
“End”. Press the voltage encoder switch to exit the “Unit Setup Menu”
6.6. Run Screens
The power supply display is organized into menus and run screens. Run screens provide
information about the supply status, the supply output and other cycle status information. Several
run screens are available providing various sets of information. Run screens are used during
normal supply operation. The SET lamp is off when a run screen is displayed. See
for more details on the overall menu and run screen organization.