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198-0853-02 Rev F
To configure the supply for timed cycle control set the cyc
le control setting to “RTC” or “ATC” and
set the desired cycle time in the cycle setup menu. Use the following procedure to configure the
supply for RTC or ATC cycle control. See
A.5.1.Cycle Setup Menu
for details on the cycle setup
Enter the “Unit Setup Menu” by pressing and holding both encoder switches until the
display shows “Unit” “SEt” (see
A.5.Unit Setup Menu
for details).
Rotate the current encoder until the display shows “SEt” “CyCL”. Then press the
voltage encoder switch to enter the “Cycle Setup Menu”.
From the “Cycle Setup Menu” rotate the current encoder until the display shows
“CyCL” “CtrL”. Then press the voltage encoder switch to view and change the cycle
control setting.
The cycle control setting is indicated by “CtrL” on the top display and the selected
control type on the bottom display. The SET lamp is blinking on and off to indicate
that a setting is displayed. Rotate the current encoder to change the cycle control
type to “rtc” for RTC control or “Atc” for ATC control. Once the desired control type
is selected press the voltage encoder switch to accept the value and return to the
“Cycle Setup Menu”.
From the “Cycle Setup Menu” rotate the current encoder until the display shows
“CyCL” “Unit”. Then press the voltage encoder to view and change the cycle time
If the cycle control type is set to “rtc” the cycle time units are indicated by “rtc” on the
top display and the selected time units on the bottom display. If the control type is
set to “Atc” the cycle time units are indicated by “Atc AmP” on the top display and
the selected time units on the bottom display. The SET lamp is blinking on and off to
indicate that a setting is displayed. Rotate the current encoder to select the desired
units. Select “min” for RTC minutes or ATC amp minutes and “hr” for RTC hours or
ATC amp hours. Once the desired units are selected press the voltage encoder
switch to accept the setting and return to the “Cycle Setup Menu”.
From the “Cycle Setup Menu” rotate the current encoder until the display shows
“CyCL” “dEC”. Then press the voltage encoder switch to view and change the cycle
time decimal point location.
The cycle time decimal point location is indicated by “dEC” on the top display and
the selected decimal point location on the bottom display. The SET lamp is blinking
on and off to indicate that a setting is displayed. Rotate the current encoder to
select the desired decimal point location. The decimal point location affects the
resolution of the target cycle time setting and also affects the maximum possible
target cycle time setting. The maximum target cycle time setting is 9999, or 999.9,
or 99.99, or 9.999, depending on where the decimal location is set to. Once the
desired decimal location is set press the voltage encoder switch to accept the setting
and return to the “Cycle Setup Menu”.
From the “Cycle Setup Menu” rotate the current encoder until the display shows
“CyCL” “tArg”. Then press the voltage encoder switch to view and change the target
cycle time.
10) When the target cycle time is displayed the top display will indicate the units of the
target cycle time. For an RTC cycle with units set to minutes the top display will
show “tArg min”. An RTC cycle with units set to hours will display “tArg hr” on the