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198-0853-02 Rev F
set baud rate to 19200 (note the ACK response from this command will be sent at the original baud
rate, the baud rate change occurs after the ACK to this command)
1. All user settings are stored in non-volatile memory and will be retained through a power cycle.
2. The unit address must be set using the global address on a single drop bus unless the address of
the unit is known. Optionally it is possible to set the host port communications settings to the
desired values from the front panel. See
Host Port Configuration
3. If the power up mode is set to 1 and the unit was powered down in operate mode, then the unit will
display a count down when it powers up. If no action is taken the unit switches to the operate state
when the countdown expires. If the operate/standby switch is pressed at any point prior to the
countdown expiration the countdown will terminate and the unit will remain in standby mode. If the
host requests (using the state command) operate or standby prior to the countdown expiration the
countdown is terminated and the requested mode is set.
4. The default current and voltage setting source in remote mode are where the current and voltage
settings will come from by default when the unit is in remote mode. Changing the default source
does not immediately affect the existing source of the setting in remote mode, it only affects what
the source of the setting in remote mode will be by default at power up. The existing source of the
settings in remote mode can be changed at any time using the setup ‘s’ command.
The channel ID ‘a’ should always be zero.
6. The channel 2 settings are only applicable in units with two channels.
7. Each time the unit configuration password is changed with this command the value is written to
non-volatile memory. Periodic writes to this value could result in premature failure of the associated
memory device. Leave this field blank unless the code needs to be changed. All other parameters
in this command that are stored to non-volatile memory are written to non-volatile memory at power
down and can be safely changed at periodic intervals.