Smart LT Manual
Dynatronix, Inc.
198-0853-02 Rev F
Page 43 of 126
top display. Likewise an ATC cycle could display “tArg Amp min” or “tArg Amp hr”
on the top display. The bottom display will show the currently selected target cycle
time. The decimal place and maximum allowed setting will be dependent on the
decimal setting made in the preceding steps. The SET lamp is blinking on and off to
indicate that a setting is displayed. Rotate the current encoder to change the
selected digit (blinking digit). Each press of the current encoder selects the next
digit. Once the desired target cycle time is set press the voltage encoder switch to
accept the setting and retu
rn to the “Cycle Setup Menu”.
From the “Cycle Setup Menu” rotate the current encoder until the display shows
“CyCL” “End”. Then press the voltage encoder switch to exit the “Cycle Setup
Menu” and return to the “Unit Setup Menu”.
12) If any cycle settings were changed you will be prompted to store the changes.
Select “yES” to accept the changes or “no” to cancel the changes.
From the “Unit Setup Menu” rotate the current encoder until the display shows “SEt”
“End”. Press the voltage encoder switch to exit the “Unit Setup Menu”.
6.4.3. Tolerance Settings
The power supply can be configured to report an error code when the current and/or voltage
reading is out of tolerance. The out of tolerance error code is displayed on the front panel (see
6.5.Error Messages
for details on how error messages are displayed) and is reported in the serial
host port alarm status message (see
Appendix B:Host Port Protocol
for details on the alarm status
message). Out of tolerance errors do not affect power supply output or operate/standby state.
Once an out of tolerance error is set it will remain set until a new cycle is started or the error is
manually cleared (see
6.5.2.Clearing Error Codes
for details on manually clearing error codes).
Tolerances are set as a percentage of the associated setting. A tolerance setting of 0% disables
out of tolerance error reporting for the associated signal. A current tolerance setting of 10% will
cause an out of tolerance error to be set if the current reading differs from the current setting by
more than 10%. A current tolerance setting of 10% and a current setting of 10.0 amps would
cause a current over tolerance alarm for any current reading greater than 11 amps and would
cause a current under tolerance alarm for any current reading less than 9 amps. See
C:Error Codes
for a list of possible out of tolerance error codes.
Use the “Tolerance Setup Menu” in the “Unit Setup Menu” to configure tolerance settings. The
following procedure describes how to change tolerance settings. See
A.5.2.Tolerance Setup
for details on the “Tolerance Setup Menu”.
Enter the “Unit Setup Menu” by pressing and holding both encoder switches until the
display shows “Unit” “SEt” (see
A.5.Unit Setup Menu
for details).
2) Rotate the current encoder until t
he display shows “SEt” “tOL”. Then press the
voltage encoder switch to enter the “Tolerance Setup Menu”.
From the “Tolerance Setup Menu” rotate the current encoder to select either the
current or voltage tolerance setting. The top display will show “tOL”, the bottom
display will show “Curr” for current tolerance or “UOLt” for voltage tolerance. Once
the desired signal is selected press the voltage encoder switch to view and change
the associated tolerance setting.