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4) The tolerance
setting is indicated by “I.tOL” on the top display for current tolerance
or “E.tOL” on the top display for voltage tolerance. The selected tolerance in percent
is displayed on the bottom display. The SET lamp is blinking on and off to indicate
that a setting is displayed. Rotate the current encoder to change the selected
tolerance digit (blinking on and off). Each press of the current encoder switch
selects the next digit. Enter a tolerance value of zero to disable tolerance error
reporting. Once the desired tolerance is set press the voltage encoder switch to
accept the value and return to the “Tolerance Setup Menu”.
5) To change another tolerance setting repeat the above procedure starting at step 3
above. To exit the “Tolerance Setup Menu” rotate the current encoder until “tOL”
“End” is displayed. Then press the voltage encoder switch to exit the “Tolerance
Setup Menu” and return to the “Unit Setup Menu”.
6) If any tolerance settings were changed you will be prompted to store the changes.
Select “yES” to accept the changes or “no” to cancel the changes.
From the “Unit Setup Menu” rotate the current encoder until the display shows “SEt”
“End”. Press the voltage encoder switch to exit the “Unit Setup Menu”.
6.5. Error Messages
The power supply can report various error codes to indicate problems with the power supply or the
Most errors provide warnings and information, but do not affect power supply performance. Errors
like the over temperature warning (error code 73) or the cooling fan diagnostic error (error code
72) can provide information warning of problems that could lead to power supply failure if not
The over temperature shut down warning (error code 74) causes the output of the power supply to
be shut off to prevent damage to the power supply.
Other errors can provide information about the process. There are out of tolerance errors to
report when the current output or voltage output is out of tolerance (see
6.4.3.Tolerance Settings
for details on tolerance settings). There are errors to report that power was lost while the power
supply was in operate mode (see
6.3.5.Power Fail Alarm Configuration
for details on enabling
power failure alarms).
For a complete list of errors see
Appendix C:Error Codes
Error messages are displayed while a run screen is active (SET lamp is off). Error messages are
not displayed when menus are displayed. When an error becomes active the FAULT lamp turns
on and if a run screen is being displayed and the error message display is enabled (it is enabled
by default at power on) the display will alternate between the currently selected run screen and a
screen showing the active error code. If more than one error code is active the error codes are
displayed one at a time, in the order they occurred. See
6.5.1.Error Message Display
for details
on temporarily disabling the error message display. See
6.5.2.Clearing Error Codes
for details on
manually clearing error codes.
6.5.1. Error Message Display
The display of the active error codes can be disabled. When the error message display is
disabled the error codes are no longer displayed, but the FAULT lamp remains operational. If