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Menu (
see 6.3.Unit Configuration
). See
A.6.4.System Configuration Menu
System Menu
for more information regarding menu navigation.
From the “Unit Configuration Menu” rotate the current encoder until the display shows
“CFg” “SyS”, and then press the voltage encoder switch to enter the “System
Configuration Menu”.
From the “System Configuration Menu” rotate the current encoder until the display
shows “SyS” “btn”, and then press the voltage encoder switch to enter the “Button
System Menu”.
From the “Button System Menu” rotate the current encoder until the display shows “btn”
“OPEr”, and then press the voltage encoder switch to view and change the operate
button lock state.
4) The operate button lock state is indicated by displaying
“OPEr btn LOC” on the top
display and the operate button lock state in the bottom display. The SET lamp is
blinking on and off to indicate that a setting is displayed. Rotate the current encoder to
change the operate button lock state.
Select “yES” to lock (disable) the operate button.
Select “no” to unlock (enable) the operate button. Once the desired configuration is
selected press the voltage encoder switch to accept the value and return to the “Button
5) From t
he “Button System Menu” rotate the current encoder until the display shows “btn”
“rmt”, and then press the voltage encoder switch to view and change the remote button
lock state.
6) The remote button lock state is indicated by displaying
“rmt btn LOC” on the top display
and the remote button lock state in the bottom display. The SET lamp is blinking on and
off to indicate that a setting is displayed. Rotate the current encoder to change the
remote button lock state.
Select “yES” to lock (disable) the remote button. Select “no”
to unlock (enable) the remote button. Once the desired configuration is selected press
the voltage encoder switch to accept the value and return to the “Button System Menu”.
From the “Button System Menu” rotate the current encoder until the display shows “btn”
“End”. Then press the voltage encoder switch to exit the “Button System Menu” and
return to the “System Configuration Menu”.
From the “System Configuration Menu” rotate the current encoder until the display
shows “SyS” “End”. Then press the voltage encoder switch to exit the “System
Menu” and return to the “Unit Configuration Menu”.
9) If any settings were changed
in the “System Configuration Menu” you will be prompted
to store the changes. Select “yES” to accept the changes or “no” to cancel the
6.3.8. Hardware Options Configuration
“Hardware Options System Menu” is used to configure and enable some hardware options.
For example, an installed analog control option card would require the option card setting to be set
to “AnL”. See
A.6.4.4.Hardware Options System Menu
for more details.
6.3.9. Changing the Unit Configuration Password
The unit configuration password is required to gain access to the unit configuration menu (
6.3.Unit Configuration