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198-0853-02 Rev F
From the “Unit Configuration Menu” rotate the current encoder until the display shows
“CFg” “SyS”, and then press the voltage encoder switch to enter the “System
Configuration Menu”.
From the “System Configuration Menu” rotate the current encoder until the display
shows “SyS” “dFLt”, and then press the voltage encoder switch to enter the “Set
Defaults System Menu”.
The first screen in the “Set Defaults System Menu” shows “Set Unit dFLt” on the top
display and shows “yES” or “no” on the bottom display. Rotate the current encoder to
make a selection. Select “yES” to reset all settings to default values, or select “no” to
leave the settings unchanged. Press the voltage encoder switch to accept the
If “yES” was selected a warning screen is displayed. The warning screen shows
“CHng” on the top display and “ALL” on the bottom display. The warning message is
displayed for a short period of time and can be skipped by pressing the voltage encoder
5) After the warning message is displayed a confirmation screen is displayed. The top
display shows “CHng ALL to dFLt” and the bottom display shows the confirmation
selection. Rotate the current encoder to change the confirmation selection. Select
“yES” to reset all settings to default value or “no” to cancel. Press the voltage encoder
switch to accept the selection and exit the “Set Defaults System Menu” and return to the
“System Configuration Menu”.
From the “System Configuration Menu” rotate the current encoder until the display
shows “SyS” “End”. Then press the voltage encoder switch to exit the “System
Menu” and return to the “Unit Configuration Menu”.
7) If any settings were changed
in the “System Configuration Menu” you will be prompted
to store the changes. Select “yES” to accept the changes or “no” to cancel the
. You must select “yES” to complete the reset to default values.
6.4. Cycle Control Settings
All cycle control settings are located in the Setup Menu. The Setup Menu can be accessed at any
time; however settings cannot be changed while the unit is operating. In addition the settings
cannot be changed while in remote control mode (RMT lamp is on). For details on accessing and
navigating the Setup Menu see
A.5.Unit Setup Menu
6.4.1. Manual Cycle Control
In manual cycle control the power supply output is enabled and disabled by the operate/standby
front panel switch, or the digital input (inhibit input), or through serial host port commands (see
8.0.Remote Operate/Standby Control
for details on other methods of operate/standby control).
Once the supply is put into the operate state or the standby state it will remain in that state until it
is commanded to a different state or power is lost (see
6.3.4:Power On Configuration
for details on
how to retain the operate state through a power off/on sequence).