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198-0853-02 Rev F
Clearing the Totalizer
The totalizer can be cleared from the
“Totalizer Count Menu” located under the “Totalizer
Configuration Menu”. Use the following procedure to clear the totalizer.
From the “Totalizer Configuration Menu” select the totalizer count sub menu. The
“Totalizer Configuration Menu” displays “tot” on the top display and the selected sub
menu on the bottom display. Rotate the current encoder unt
il the display shows “tot”
“cnt”, then press the voltage encoder to enter the “Totalizer Count Menu”.
The first screen in the “Totalizer Count Menu” shows the totalizer count value. Only half
of the totalizer count is displayed at a time. This screen either shows the four most
significant digits (“Hi”) or the four least significant digits (“Lo”). The top display indicates
the totalizer units and which half of the totalizer count is displayed. Rotating the voltage
encoder switches between display of the four most significant digits of the totalizer
count and the four least significant digits of the totalizer count. See the table below for a
detailed description of what the top display shows.
3) Press the voltage encoder switch to advance from the count display screen to the clear
screen. The clear screen shows “CLr tot” on the top display. The bottom display shows
the confirmation selection. Rotate the current encoder to change the confirmation
selection from “no” to “yES” and then press the voltage encoder switch to clear the
totalizer and return to the “Totalizer Configuration Menu”.
Rotate the current encoder until the display shows “tot” “End”, then press the voltage
encoder switch to return to the “Unit Configuration Menu”.
5) If the totalizer was cleare
d, or any other changes were made in the “Totalizer
Configuration Menu” you will be prompted to store the changes. Select “yES” to accept
the changes or “no” cancel the changes. Note that selecting “no” will return the totalizer
count back to its original value and it will not be cleared.
Totalizer Count Screen Messages:
Top Display Message
Totalizer Units
Totalizer Count Display
“tot AmP min Lo”
Amp Minutes
Four least significant digits
“tot Amp min Hi”
Amp Minutes
Four most significant digits
“tot Amp Hr Lo”
Amp Hours
Four least significant digits
“tot Amp Hr Hi”
Amp Hours
Four most significant digits
Totalizer Units and Resolution
The totalizer units and resolution can be set from the “Totalizer Configuration Menu”. Use the
following procedure to set the totalizer units and resolution.
Changing the totalizer units or resolution (decimal location) will not reset the totalizer
count and it will not convert the previous count to a new count having the new units and
resolution. Changes to the totalizer units or resolution could result in an un-expected totalizer
count value. For clarity it is best to clear the totalizer count before changing the units or the