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198-0853-02 Rev F
State Command “a”:
@AA.a Sync character (@) and unit address, AA = Unit ID (0 to 99; 0 is a global ID), a
= Channel ID (always 0)
Command character and Type
– 0=read, 1=set, 2=activate (n/a), 3=ack, 4=nak
Number of fields character and number of fields after the comma, excluding
operate state
– 0=standby, 1=operate, 2 = pause
Simulation state
– 0 = normal operation, 1 = simulation mode
CRC value in ascii decimal
Carriage return and Line feed (0x0D 0x0A)
Examples of State Command:
read state from unit 1.
state ack command with delimiter text enabled.
state ack command with delimiter text disabled.
unit 1 go to operate command (goes to operate from a standby or paused state).
unit 1 pause command (pauses a timed cycle
– RTC or ATC).
1. Blank fields are ignored so whatever setting is currently active for that field will still be active after a
command with a blank field.
2. A command type of 1 (set) is only allowed if the power supply is in remote mode as indicated by the
RMT indicator on the front panel (and as indicated by the local/remote field in the
readings “d”
3. The operate and remote switch functionality when in the remote mode will depend on the settings in
the User Settings command.
Set the operate state to ‘pause’ to temporarily stop a cycle and then set the operate state to
‘operate’ to resume the cycle.
Changing the operate state to ‘standby’ will end the current cycle (or clear the EOC state if it was
active). Changing the operate state to ‘operate’ will resume a paused cycle. Changing the operate
state to ‘operate’ will start a new cycle if the current cycle is not running and is not paused.
6. If simulation mode is active the supply output is disabled. In operate mode the read backs are
simulated based on the settings and a simulated load. The simulated load size is computed to
allow maximum supply output. The supply will simulate current and voltage regulation as well as