Smart LT Manual
Dynatronix, Inc.
198-0853-02 Rev F
Page 103 of 126
B.1.8 ACK Response Command
– Sent if no data requested, otherwise the data to be sent is the ACK
@AA.a Sync character (@) and unit address, AA = Unit ID (0 to 99; 0 is a global ID), a = Channel
ID (always 0)
Command character of command received and Command Type
– 3=ack
Number of fields character and number of fields after the comma, excluding CRC
CRC value in ascii decimal
Carriage return and Line feed (0x0D 0x0A)
Example of ACK Command:
ACK command for set setup command with no data to return from unit 24
1. When a slave sends an ACK command it is an indication that the command was determined to be
valid and all data fields were determined to be valid and processed.
2. The slave does not send an ACK if the command was directed to the global unit address (00).