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198-0853-02 Rev F
B.1.15 Error Status Command
@AA.a Sync character (@) and unit address, AA = Unit ID (0 to 99; 0 is a global ID), a = Channel
ID (always 0)
Command character and Type
– 0=read, 1=set(n/a), 2=activate(n/a), 3=ack, 4=nak
Number of fields character and number of fields after the comma, excluding CRC
Error number (0 to 255)
Error number (0 to 255)
Error number (0 to 255)
Error number (0 to 255)
Error number (0 to 255)
CRC value in ascii decimal
Carriage return and Line feed (0x0D 0x0A)
Examples of Error Status Command:
read error status command from unit 1.
ACK error status command with 3 errors and delimiter text enabled.
ACK error status command with 7 errors and delimiter text disabled.
ACK error status with no errors set
1. Errors stay in the error status buffer until read, then they are removed, unless the error source is
still active. Errors reported by the error status command are errors that have been set since the last
time the error status command was sent by the host. The errors reported may or may not currently
be active. To maintain a list of currently active errors the error status command should be issued
any time the error
flag in the readings command “d” is set to one. The error status command will
report active errors until they clear AND the error status command is issued. For example, if error
number 10 is active the error flag in the readings command will be set to one. The error status
command will report error 10 each time it is requested, it will not be removed from the error status
buffer until it clears. Once error 10 clears the next read of the error status will remove error 10 from
the buffer.
2. This is a variable length message, dependent on the number of errors in the error status buffer.
3. Use the table of errors to determine what each error code means.
The channel ID ‘a’ should always be zero.