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Maintenance and Safety Precautions
Writer: Project: Maintenance and Safety Precautions Comments:
File Name: Q-ch13.doc Last Saved On: 4/22/97 1:15 PM
Avoid glare on your computer monitor by controlling the light in the
room and by positioning the monitor in an appropriate position.
Place the monitor so that the top of the monitor is at eye level or lower.
Keep your forearms parallel with the floor when you type, forming
approximately a 90-degree angle with your upper arms. Do not angle
your forearms upward.
Have your eyes examined regularly by a vision care specialist.
Vary your tasks during the day to avoid sitting in one position for
several hours.
Stretch and exercise several times a day.
Take periodic breaks when you work at your computer for
prolonged periods.
These suggestions can help you work more comfortably and effectively.
However, only you can determine the best working environment and
workstation arrangement for your work.