PC-cards - Handling and action
© VTEST60E July 2013 V4.46ff
C102 853.002
Page 143 of 168
If any blocked PC-card is inserted into the VIBROTEST 60,
each time you attempt to access the card the message
„PC-Card is write-protected.
Please read all routes and reports and delete
the PC-Card.“
will be displayed. Reading data from or writing data to this PC-
card will not be possible.
Write-protected PC-cards
What possibilities are there for using blocked PC-cards or for
resetting them again?
There are four options:
1. If there is no PC or PC-card drive available
Access to the data on the blocked card is not possible.
There is only the option to reset the PC-card; using the
Service function „Formatting„, to a condition where you can
write to it. All data already stored on the card will in any
case be lost.
2. A PC with PC-card drive is available
(which can be read like a standard drive)
is available but
no VIBRO-REPORT or XMS-software
To reset the blocked PC-card it is sufficient to delete the
directory „VTCRD„, all its sub-directories and the data they
Caution !
All data on the PC-card will be lost !