Field Balancing
© VTEST60E July 2013 V4.46ff
C102 853.002
Page 129 of 168
Single and 2-plane Balancing with prognosis and polar
correction example
VIBROTEST 60 dialogue
VIBROTEST 60 steps
Activity at Rotor
Initial run/Test run A
The 2-plane balancing procedures for
the Initial run and Test run A
correspond in their operational steps.
See section 7.7.
Switch to the display of the
correction and prog-nosis
for plane B with »1/2«.
Calculate the correct-
ion and prognosis
The VIBROTEST 60 calculates:
The correction for plane A
allowing for test weights that
remain on the rotor.
The prognosis of residual
unbalance forboth planes. The
prognosis value for both planes is
The following are displayed in the
main menu:
Effect of the test weight A (TRA)
on plane A.
Calculated correction (CMA) for
plane A.
Prognosis of residual unba-lance
(PV) in plane A
With the function button »1/2« the
values for plane B are displayed.
The Test run A can be repeated with
The user can now choose between
two options in the balancing
Carry out Test run B
Do a Check run
Assess whether the
prognosis of the resi-
dual vibration is low
enough. In case of a
prognosed value that is
not low enough Test
run B should be carried
Attach the correction
weight at plane A on
the rotor
(e.g. 97,7 g at 23°).
No correction weights
are attached in plane