Field Balancing
Page 126 of 168
C102 853.002
© VTEST60E July 2013 4.46ff
VIBROTEST 60 dialogue
VIBROTEST 60 steps
Activity at Rotor
Stop the measurement with
Execute Test run B
The VIBROTEST 60 executes the
measurement in both planes.
The measurement is stopped at both
planes with »STOP«.
The VIBROTEST 60 checks the
measurement quality by:
Speed difference from Initial
Magnitude of the test weight and
If balancing in only one plane is
Store the measurement with
Store Test run B
Before calculating the correction
weights the VIBROTEST 60 must be
informed if the test weight B will be
removed from the rotor.
»YES« - the test weight B will be
»NO« - the test weight B will
remain and must be taken into
consideration in the correction
weights calculation.
Stop the rotor.
With »YES«:
Remove test weight B
from the rotor.
Switch to the display of the
corrections for plane B with
Calculate correction
The VIBROTEST 60 calculates the
correction weights and their locations,
taking into conside-ration any test
weights that remain on the rotor in
both planes.
With function button »1/2« the
calculated correction weights (CMB)
and their locations for plane B are
The Test run B can be repeated with
The Initial run and Test run A can no
longer be repeated from this point.
Attach the correction
weights to the rotor:
In plane A e.g. at
35,09 g
58,07 g
If the correction
weights are to be
changed this must be
done at the Check run.
In plane B e.g. at
73,09 g
48,07 g
If the correction
weights are to be
changed this must be
done at the Check run.