iSCSI Protocol: Broadcom NetXtreme II® Network Adapter User Guide
file:///C|/Users/Nalina_N_S/Documents/NetXtremeII/English/iscsi.htm[9/5/2014 3:45:06 PM]
md C:\Temp\x
cd /d C:\Temp\x
3. Use the following commands to create two subdirectories:
md src
md mnt
4. Use the following command to copy the original DVD into the src subdirectory.
:\ .\src /e /c /i /f /h /k /y /q
Note that in this example, the installation DVD is in the N: drive.
5. Open a Deployment and Imaging Tools command prompt in elevated mode. Then, set c:\Temp\x as the current
Note that you will use this command prompt window in all subsequent steps.
6. Enter the following commands:
attrib -r .\src\sources\boot.wim
attrib -r .\src\sources\install.wim
7. Enter run the following command to mount the boot.wim image:
dism /mount-wim /wimfile:.\src\sources\boot.wim /index:2 /mountdir:.\mnt
Note that you must always use "2" for the index value.
8. Enter the following commands to add the below drivers to the currently mounted image:
dism /image:.\mnt /add-driver /driver:C:\Temp\evbda\evbda.inf
dism /image:.\mnt /add-driver /driver:C:\Temp\bxnd60a\bxnd60a.inf
dism /image:.\mnt /add-driver /driver:C:\Temp\bxfcoe\bxfcoe.inf
dism /image:.\mnt /add-driver /driver:C:\Temp\bxois\bxois.inf
9. Enter the following command to unmount the boot.wim image:
dism /unmount-wim /mountdir:.\mnt /commit
10. Enter the following command to determine the index of the desired SKU in the install.wim image:
dism /get-wiminfo /wimfile:.\src\sources\install.wim
For example, in Windows Server 2012, index 2 is identified as "Windows Server 2012 SERVERSTANDARD."
11. Enter the following command to mount the install.wim image:
dism /mount-wim /wimfile:.\src\sources\install.wim /index:
Note that X is a placeholder for the index value that you obtained in step 10.
12. Enter the following commands to add these drivers to the currently mounted image:
dism /image:.\mnt /add-driver /driver:C:\Temp\evbd\evbd.inf
dism /image:.\mnt /add-driver /driver:C:\Temp\bxnd60a\bxnd60a.inf
dism /image:.\mnt /add-driver /driver:C:\Temp\bxfcoe\bxfcoe.inf
dism /image:.\mnt /add-driver /driver:C:\Temp\bxois\bxois.inf
13. Enter the following command to unmount the install.wim image:
dism /unmount-wim /mountdir:.\mnt /commit
14. Enter the following command to create an .iso file:
oscdimg -e -h -m -n -lslipstream -bootdata:2#p0,e,b"c:\Program Files\Windows
AIK\Tools\PETools\amd64\boot\"#pEF,e,b"c:\Program Files\Windows
AIK\Tools\PETools\amd64\boot\efisys.bin" c:\temp\x\src c:\temp\Win20xxMOD.iso
Note that Platform is a placeholder for the architecture of the operating system that you want to install, such as
amd64 or x86. Also, xx in the file names is a placeholder for the Windows Server OS version (2012, 2008R2,
15. Using a DVD-burning application, burn the .iso file you created to a DVD.
16. Use the DVD that you created in step 15 to install the applicable Windows Server version.
After that the system has been prepared for an iSCSI boot and the operating system is present on the iSCSI target, the last
step is to perform the actual boot. The system will boot to Windows or Linux over the network and operate as if it were a
local disk drive.
1. Reboot the server.
2. Select
3. To boot through an offload path, set the HBA Boot Mode to
. To boot through a non-offload path, set the HBA
Boot Mode to
. (
: This parameter cannot be changed when the adapter is in Multi-Function mode.)