Linux BACS Installation: Broadcom NetXtreme II® Network Adapter User Guide
file:///C|/Users/Nalina_N_S/Documents/NetXtremeII/English/lnx_bacs.htm[9/5/2014 3:45:05 PM]
Source Network
: 0/0 (means all)
Destination Port
: 5988:5989
Source Port
: Leave blank.
Step 6: Install BACS and Related Management Applications
Installing the Broadcom Advanced Control Suite
Installing WS-MAN or CIM-XML on Linux Client
No special software components are required on the Linux client system to use the HTTP except installing the BACS
management application. However, for WS-MAN installations, you can optionally configure the HTTPS protocol for use with
Configure HTTPS on Linux Client
Import Self-Signed Certificate on Linux Client
On Linux distributions, make note of the following certificate directory:
For all SuSE versions, the certificate directory is
For RedHat, the certificate directory can be different for each version. For some versions, it is
. For other versions, find out the certificate directory.
Copy the self-signed certificate file
into the certificate directory of the Linux client. For example, if the
certificate directory is
, copy
1. Change directory to
2. Create a hash value by running the following command.
openssl x509 -noout -hash -in hostname.pem
A value such as the following will be returned.
3. Create a symbolic link to the hash value by running the following command:
ln -s hostname.pem 100940db.0
Test HTTPS/SSL Connection from Linux Client
Use the following command to test whether the certificate is installed correctly on Linux:
# curl -v --capath /etc/ssl/certs https://Hostname or IPAddress:5986/wsman
If this fails, then the certificate is not installed correctly and an error message displays, indicating to take corrective action.
Installing the Broadcom Advanced Control Suite
The Broadcom Advanced Control Suite (BACS) software can be installed on a Linux system using the Linux RPM package. This
installation includes a BACS GUI and a CLI client.
Before you begin:
Ensure that the Broadcom network adapter(s) is physically installed and the appropriate device driver for the NIC is
installed on the system to be managed by this utility.
Ensure that the CIM provider is installed properly on the system that is to be managed by this utility.
For managing iSCSI on Linux hosts, ensure that the open-iscsi and sg utilities are installed on the Linux host.
To install BACS