Using Broadcom Advanced Control Suite 4: Broadcom NetXtreme II® Network Adapter User Guide
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General Statistics
General Statistics show the transmitted and received statistics to and from the adapter.
Frames Tx OK
A count of the frames that were successfully transmitted. This counter is incremented when the transmit status is reported as
Transmit OK.
Frames Rx OK
A count of the frames that were successfully received. This does not include frames received with frame-too-long, frame check
sequence (FCS), length, or alignment errors, nor frames lost due to internal MAC sublayer errors. This counter is incremented when
the receive status is reported as Receive OK.
Directed Frames Tx
A count of directed data frames that were successfully transmitted.
Multicast Frames Tx
A count of frames that were successfully transmitted (as indicated by the status value Transmit OK) to a group destination address
other than a broadcast address.
Broadcast Frames Tx
A count of frames that were successfully transmitted (as indicated by the transmit status Transmit OK) to the broadcast address.
Frames transmitted to multicast addresses are not broadcast frames and are excluded.
Directed Frames Rx
A count of directed data frames that were successfully received.
Multicast Frames Rx