68 | Chapter 2: Installation
Install Tubing and Manifolds for Syringe Dispenser
For each dispense pump, a set of two tubes with check valves and two supply
bottles are provided. The 32-tube dispense manifolds also ship with an optional
inline filter.
The supply bottles have Luer fittings. Finger-tighten only!
Place the supply bottles on the same horizontal plane as the instrument. This
ensures optimum pump performance.
Make sure the tubing is not crimped during installation.
Perform these steps twice, first for Syringe A and then for Syringe B:
1. First install the inline filter for 32-
tube dispensers, if applicable,
tubing with a Luer fitting on one
end. Gently screw the Luer fitting
into the top of the supply bottle.
Finger-tighten only.
2. Attach the other end of the tubing
from the supply bottle to the
of one of the Syringe pumps.
Make sure the flow-direction arrows point in the direction that the fluid moves.
MultiFlo™ FX Multi-Mode Dispenser