vi | MultiFlo FX Operator's Manual
Re-stack plates in the BioStack
Nth Plate to perform special process
Advanced Plate Sequencing with the BioStack
Plate Types and Processing Patterns
Handling Special Plates and Mini-tubes
1536F - 1536-well Flanged Plates
Peri-pump Special Plate Handling
Special Plate Carrier for Mini-tubes
8-Channel Dispenser Dispense Pattern
Dispense Pattern with Both Syringes
About the MultiFlo FX Wash Step
Biomagnetic Separation - Magnetic Bead Assays
Optimize Magnetic Bead Protocols
How to determine the Magnet Adapter Height Offset
Special Procedure for Magnetic Bead Assays
Peri-pump Peristaltic Dispenser
Release the tension on the dispense cassette
Require a Specific Peri-pump Cassette
How to Prime the Syringe dispenser
Change the Syringe Dispenser Manifold
Syringe Dispenser- Autoclavable vs. Non-autoclavable
Changing the Instrument's Settings
MultiFlo™ FX Multi-Mode Dispenser