Page 63
Repair Procedures
(RP): System Repair or Expansion
It may be useful to magnetically “identify” Smart
Controllers prior to their installation into the oper-
ating wiring network in the bays. In this way, Smart
Controllers can be assigned their SC location num-
bers and verifi ed as “good”, independent of system
wiring faults. Refer to the procedure: “Ground-Level
SC Identifi cation Process”,
[Procedure RP13, page 63].
Ground-Level SC
Identifi cation Process
Set up, assemble and wire the temporary arrange-
ment shown in “Ground Level SC Identifi cation
[Figure 30, page 22]
. Complete the “Fluid
Identifi cation Procedure”,
[Procedure SP2, page 37]
for the system.
Install the fi rst fl uid Smart Controller, SC01, at the
set-up position, by temporarily substituting the
wired cable plugs in place of the originally installed
plugs from SC01.
Temporarily install resistor plugs in each of the
output ports on SC01, as shown in lower Figure 26.
Turn on console power. Complete the “Procedures:
SC Identifi cation”,
[Procedure SP3, page 39]
, using
these program conditions: start with SC00 and end
with SC01. Be sure to turn “OFF” any unused ports on
SC01. Refer to your Confi guration Planning Worksheet
to assure correct port assignments.
After the procedure is completed and the Smart
Controller is magnetically polled, cycle the power
switch Off/ON at the console and allow the system to
self-test. Observe for error messages. Use the Status
Code Diagnostics section to troubleshoot errors and
correct the causes.
After the testing step is completed and the Smart
Controller is verifi ed to be error free, remove the
temporary wired plugs and replace all original plugs
supplied with the SC. Using the smart controller ID
labels from the Queuing Console box, apply the label
SC01 to the center front (potted) face of the controller.
Set aside SC01 for later installation mounting.
Install the second fl uid Smart Controller, SC02,
at the set-up position, by temporarily substituting
the wired cable plugs in place of the originally installed
plugs from SC02. Install resistors as before.
Turn on console power. Complete the “Special
Procedure: SC Identifi cation”,
[Procedure SP3, Page
, using these program conditions: start with SC02
and end with SC02. Be sure to turn “OFF” any unused
ports on SC02. Refer to your Confi guration Planning
Worksheet to assure correct port assignments.
Repeat steps 3, 4, 5 and 6 using the Smart Con-
troller SC02.
Repeat steps 7, 8 and 9 for all other fl uid Smart
Controllers in the system.
Setting Up Systems
for Future Expansion
It is important to work from a reference Confi gu-
ration Planning Worksheet. If this has not been
done, complet a worksheet per
[pages 8,9]
. To allow
for future system expansion, show 3 fl uids instead of
two. Use dummy values for third fl uid tank and meter
Install one smart controller per station, not one per
2 stations as you would normally do for 2 fl uids.
During Fluid Identifi cation,
[Procedure SP2, Pa
select two fl uids and respond yes to “confi gure
for expansion”. The program will then enter dummy
values for meter ppg, tank size, low level and current
When completing Smart Controller Identifi cation,
[Procedure SP3, Pa
ge 39],
be sure to “turn off” port
3 at the air controller, SC00
. The program will “turn off” all
third ports on the fl uid smart controllers because you
have previously selected “confi gure for future expan-
sion” in the Fluid Identifi cation procedure.
In operation, the third fl uid will appear as an avail-
able console fl uid key, but will not be selectable for
any dispense operations.
System Restore from Error