Page 26
During Spectrum
operation, certain situations
require special technique. For improved job handling
and fl uid management, read and use the following
How to dispense two jobs in a row to the
same dispense point
... on rare occasions, two
jobs may be placed back-to-back in queue to the
same dispense point. At dispense time, the service
technician should use the following steps: a) Open
the control handle and begin dispensing the fi rst
job. Be attentive to observe when oil stops fl owing
and the ready light goes out. b) After the fi rst job is
completed, the console will display a back-to-back
job alert. Make a console entry to ok the second
job. c) After the ready light resumes, dispense the
second job.
How to make fi ne adjustments to the tank
fl uid levels
... To adjust a mis-match between
reported and actual tank levels, go to the procedure
[Procedure SP2, page
, and step through the screens without changing
entries until the “INITIAL AMOUNT:?” is displayed for
the fl uid you are adjusting. Edit this value to match the
actual amount. Then step through the remainder of
the procedure without making other changes.
Observe the ready lights on the shop fl oor
the ready lights are your shop-fl oor prompt for
effi cient dispensing. An energized ready light means
“authorized and ready to dispense”. As soon as a
job dispense is complete, the light will go off, and
a new light will be energized at the location of the
next job in queue. Note that, at any time, only one
ready light may be on for each of the fl uid types
in the system.
Use the NEW key to escape console subrou-
... if you are using the console and become
confused or are interrupted in the middle of a
procedure, use the “NEW” key to escape to the
beginning of the procedure. Continuing to use “NEW”
will eventually return the program to “SPECTRUM
50, IDLE”.
Complete all dispense jobs before turning
power “OFF”
... Except in emergencies, pow-
ershould remain ON until all dispense jobs are
completed or discontinued using the procedure “JOB
[Procedure BP5, page 31]
Turn OFF console power at night
... Turning
off the console at the end of a workday assures
that air solenoid valves in the pump room remain
closed overnight. This is an important step toward
spill prevention! Turning power back on each morning
invokes the system self-test diagnostic routine, which
helps assure your system remains in peak operating
Active jobs are automatically deleted after
90 minutes
... If Spectrum
system power is
not turned off at the end of a workday and jobs are
still active, those jobs will be automatically deleted
after 90 minutes.
Dispensing a job when the amount of fl uid
required is unknown (topping off)
... Occasion-
ally, it may be necessary to dispense a job when the
fl uid capacity of the vehicle is unknown. Follow these
steps: a) authorize slightly more fl uid than the job will
require. Make note of the job number. b) dispense with
the control handle incrementally, checking the dipstick
or reservoir mark to determine full condition, then
close the dispense handle. c) at the console, enter the
job status screen and kill the job. The undispensed
remainder will be deleted. The job record and tank
fluid adjustments will show the amount actually
If error messages occur on the console
... refer
at once to the “TROUBLE DIAGNOSIS” section
of this manual, pages 47-56.
You can view recent job history
... using
the “JOB STATUS” screen. See “DISPENSE
[Procedure BP3, page 29]
for details.
Queue jumps will not replace a job which
is already partially dispensed
... if you use
the queue jump procedure and the active job is
partially dispensed, the jumped job will move to fi rst
in queue, immediately behind the partially-dispensed
active job.
A tank low level alert will be displayed
whenever you enter a new job and the tank
fl uid is below the alarm level.
If you lose electric power during the work-
... the console will retain all data, including
queue and active jobs. When power resumes, you
may select to continue those jobs or delete them.
Special Methods and Suggestions