DCU 410 Engine Panel Installation
400 Series Installation and Configuration
If the signal is out of range, a warning will be displayed.
Out of range is defined as:
<90 ohm (short)
>390 ohm (broken)
Update rate: 2 Hz
Magnetic Pickup (Speed) Sensor [44
Connect the magnetic pickup to terminals 44 and 45.
Please verify that the signal strength is between 4-32
Note! The signal waveform shall be a sinusoidal shape,
not a square.
Use a 2x 0.5 mm
(minimum) twisted pair cable.
Note! The pickup cable shall be shielded to ground in the
pickup end. Do NOT connect shield to 0V.
Range: 0.1-10 kHz
CANopen/J1939#2 Interface (COM 5) [46
This is a communication interface for remote panels or
The CANopen interface is able to communicate all signals
available in the DCU.
Terminal 46
CANopen/J1939#2 Shield
Terminal 46 - CANopen/J1939#2 Low
Terminal 46 - CANopen/J1939#2 High
CAN J1939 Interface (COM 4) [49
Engine J1939 CAN bus interface for connection to the
engine ECM, electronic control module.
Terminal 49 - CAN Shield
Terminal 50 - CAN Low
Terminal 51 - CAN High
MODBUS RTU, RS-485 (COM 3) [52
The MODBUS RTU may be connected either with common
0V or electrically isolated with an optocoupler.