© 2019, ATEÏS, member of PAX ProAV Group
Multilang Tool software
The new language file (.lang) which ATEÏS sales/users have updated here will overwrite the default
language file (.lang) stored in the BTQ-VM4/8. Users can find the .lang file and font files from
Machine > Message > Management, see the picture below. Multiple font files (.ttf) can be uploaded
into the BTQ-VM4/8 without limits.
Message Management Skin
Update the skin of the LCD panel on BTQ-VM4/8 controller and DPM-T5/CD-T5DF to the latest
version. The GUI update is similar to a firmware update, see
Table synchronization
When the configuration on BOUTIQUE devices have been changed, this table will display either
[Synchronize] or [Asynchrone] on device status.
Please note the synchronization function is applicable to the system which has more than one BTQ-
VM4/8 controllers are connected.
Asynchronous: The [Sync Configuration] field will show [Asynchrone] status if the device setting
has been modified. Users can click the [
] button on a chosen device as the base configuration,
and let the rest of devices in this table be synchronized with this machine.