© 2019, ATEÏS, member of PAX ProAV Group
Analog: Control a
event to adjust the parameter such as level by RAC
RAC5/RAC8: Control a
event, which will be triggered to control the event on
RAC remote.
4. ON/OFF function: Select the event which will be triggered by this logic input.
5. Analog function: Choose a
event, which will be triggered to control the volume
on RAC remote by logic input.
6. RAC5-1~RAC5-5/RAC8-1~RAC8-8: Choose a
event, which will be triggered to
control the event on RAC remote by logic input. RAC calibration
Manually set the calibrated level value of each channel(knob) on RAC 5/RAC 8.
This function is available for BTQ-VM8 controller only due to that it requires to work with the
normal logic inputs.
Select device/channel: Choose which BTQ-VM8 controller and which normal logic input
channel (CH1~CH8) will be set for RAC 5/RAC 8.
Minimum/maximum/now: Set the minimum and maximum value (between 0~255) of each
knob on RAC 5/RAC 8, and it will display the current value.
Level: This Indicates the range of each level of RAC 5/RAC 8. Manually set the minimum and
maximum value of each level.
The level value cannot be set in too close or overlap with other level value. To set the correct
values, please see the example picture as below.
RAC5: The Level1 (0~41) on Channel 1 does not overlap the Level2 (42~97), and so does other
values on on RAC 5.
RAC8: The Level2 (29~61) on Channel 2 is overlapped the Level3 (60~93), and so does other
values on RAC 8, therefore, please adjust the level values again.
1. Choose to calibrate the level value on which logic input channel (CH1~CH8) of BTQ-VM8
controller. We use CH1 logic input for example, see the pictures below.