© 2019, ATEÏS, member of PAX ProAV Group
and the troubleshooting for details. Log list
Read: Set the range of the log number and click [Read] button to read the logs. Click this button
again to read the previous log within the same range. For example, if the range of logs is 100, click
[Read] button to read from 1 to 100 logs; click [Read] button again, then the list will show 1~200
logs on the list.
Already read: List the total logs displayed on the log list.
Reset: Click this button to reset the log list. The [Already Read] log will also be reset.
Clear: Click this button to clear the log. The [Already Read] log will remain from the last [Read]
Export present log file: Export the device logs displayed on current log list to a text file.
Export full log file: Export all the device logs to a text file. About
General tab
Display the general information of BTQ-VM4/VM8/SL8/SG8/DPM devices etc. such as model
name, online/offline status, FW ver. (firmware version), AC mains/battery DC power and
temperature of audio IO/AMP1/AMP2 on [General] tab.