© 2019, ATEÏS, member of PAX ProAV Group
Wave level: Set this key to adjust the level of recorded wave file via DPM-T5/CD-T5DF, it
will auto display the volume bar on LCD panel of DPM-T5/CD-T5DF.
Jump page: Set this key to create a jumping page button on DPM-T5/CD-T5DF, this
allows to quickly switch to the page.
Press to talk: Set this key to start a paging to pre-defined zones via Press-to-Talk mode.
Press to talk with chime: Set this key to start a paging with pre-chime and post-chime to
pre-defined zones via Press-to-Talk mode.
None: Disable the key on DPM-MAIN/DPM-T5/CD-8DF/CD-16DF/CD-T5DF.
Double click: Enable to activate the key function by double click on the button of DPM-MAIN/
DPM-T5/CD-8DF/CD-16DF/CD-T5DF. If not, the key button will use the single click mode by
Zone/Event: Set the pre-defined zones/events of this key. When a call in non pre-defined zone
is finished, the pre-defined zone will apply for next paging automatically.
Device: Select all the zones of all the connected main controllers and/or secondary units
as pre-defined zones.
All: Select all the zones of main controller and/or secondary unit as pre-defined zones.
1-8: Allow to select zone 1 to zone 8 independently from a main controller and/or
secondary unit as pre-defined zones.
2. Logic out: The logic output will signal the external devices when the corresponding zone is being
paged if this checkbox be ticked.
3. Click [Save] to save the settings, click [Cancel] to annul the current settings.
The rest of the configuration setting of fireman mic paging event is also identical to a Singular type of
paging event, see DPM-T5 Record/Listen/Paging
1. First, create a
event on Event Set > Wave Select window to let the recorded
message file be stored under the specific file path in BTQ-VM4/8.
2. Select [Wave Record], [Wave Listen] and [Wave paging] key function on the corresponded key of
DPM-T5 in [Integration Paging] event, see the picture below.
3. For example, when assigning a [Wave Record] key function on the [Integration Paging] event of
DPM-T5, click this key on the LCD panel of DPM-T5, it will start recording and the message file
will be stored under the specific file path.