© 2019, ATEÏS, member of PAX ProAV Group
3.12.1 VA-EOL branch wiring with VAT
The VAT remote volume attenuator use 3-wire connection, and is compatible with 100V and 70V
loudspeaker lines.The installation of 3-wire connection on SL-SENSOR, VA-EOL and VAT volume
attenuator is capable to increase/decrease the volume of background music remotely during BGM
broadcasting, and the volume will not be attenuated during EVAC message broadcasting. In addition,
by installing the VA-EOL at the end of speaker lines, the system can quickly indicate which speaker
line is open/short circuit in every branch.
By the case of A/B zone wiring and branching, it needs to add the VA-EOL on the end of each
speaker line branch, see the picture below.