3Com Switch 8800 Configuration Guide
Chapter 8 VLAN Configuration
8.2.4 Shutting down/Bringing up a VLAN Interface
You can use the following commands to shut down/bring up a VLAN interface.
Perform the following configuration in VLAN interface view.
Table 8-4
Shut down/bring up a VLAN interface
Shut down a VLAN interface
Bring up a VLAN interface
undo shutdown
Shutting down or bringing up a VLAN interface has no effect on the UP/DOWN status of
the Ethernet ports in this VLAN.
By default, when all the Ethernet ports in a VLAN are in the DOWN state, this VLAN
interface is also DOWN. When there are one or more Ethernet ports in the UP state,
this VLAN interface is also UP.
8.3 Configuring Port-Based VLAN
8.3.1 Adding Ethernet Ports to a VLAN
You can use the following commands to add the Ethernet ports to a VLAN.
Perform the following configuration in VLAN view.
Table 8-5
Add Ethernet ports to a VLAN
Add Ethernet ports to a VLAN
port interface
Remove Ethernet ports from a VLAN
undo port interface
By default, the system adds all the ports to a default VLAN whose ID is 1.
Note that you can add/remove the trunk and Hybrid ports to/from a VLAN by the
port/undo port
commands in Ethernet port view, but not in VLAN view.