Indicated on display
Possible cause of fault Possible effects
Fault remedy
Open circuit
Wiring open circuit
Lambda probe -G39-
Zero quantity calibra-
tion locked
Calculation of diesel
particulate filter load
No exhaust gas tem-
perature regulation,
Regeneration of NOx
storage catalytic con-
verter is locked
– -G39- Check.
– Check measuring re-
sistor: disconnect uni-
versal lambda probe,
and measure on con-
tacts of coupling be-
tween "pump current
(APE)" and "trimm re-
sistor (Ri)", R=60-65
ohm; Warning!: termi-
nal 15 OFF for this -->
if measuring resistor is
defective, renew
lambda probe. Check
voltage supply: dis-
connect universal
lambda probe, and
measure on contacts
of coupling between
"virtual earth (IPN)"
and "body earth",
V=2-3 V; Warning!:
terminal 15 ON for this
--> if there is no volt-
age, check wire for
open circuit and re-
new it as necessary.
Check wires for "pump
current (APE)", "virtual
earth (IPN)", "trimm
resistor (Ri)" and
"Nernst voltage (RE+)
for open circuits and
short circuits --> if
there are open circuits
or short-circuits, repair
lines --> if the fault
persists, check ECU
Lambda probe 1 - bank
1, reference voltage
Industriemotoren - Industrial Engines 2009
Workshop Manual for Diesel Engine (2.0 l/36-75 kW_EA 189) 05.2015
Repair Group 01 - Vehicle self-diagnosis