– If wear of high-pressure pump pulley -1- exceeds 0.50 mm,
renew all toothed belt pulleys and rollers. The diameter of a
new high-pressure pump pulley is 65.15 mm (+0.1 mm).
– Determine wear of high-pressure pump pulley by measuring
the tooth tip diameter.
– To do this, measure 3 tooth tip diameters -1-, -2- and -3- in
the centre of track -A-, and calculate the average from these
– If the diameter is below 64.65 mm, renew toothed belt pul-
leys of toothed belt drive.
1.14 Assessing wear
– Remove toothed belt guard, or open inspection cover.
– Let the engine run at idling speed. Observe indicator position
on tensioning roller.
– Assess whether the toothed belt will exceed the wear limit
before the next service interval taking the operating hours in-
to account.
– The toothed belt must not be retensioned.
Example 1 (inspection at 600 operating hours)
– -1- Worn (2400 operating hours)
– -2- New
– -3-.
of measuring field
– If the dashed indicator -3- is positioned at
-3- or less of
the measuring field at the 600 operating hour inspection, the
toothed belt wear is still within the specified range. I.e., the
toothed belt will last until the next inspection is due and does
not need to be renewed earlier than specified.
Industriemotoren - Industrial Engines 2009
Workshop Manual for Diesel Engine (2.0 l/36-75 kW_EA 189) 05.2015
1 Dismantling and assembling engine