Memory cards
6. Confirm that 'CARD FORMAT: CARD A' (or CARD B) is displayed then press the ENTER
To cancel the formatting, turn the SELECT dial to 'CANCEL' then press the ENTER button.
* Do not remove the CF card until the formatting is completed. The CF card data may be erased.
* The formatting may take up to 30 seconds to complete depending on the CF card's storage
Once the formatting is finished, the display returns to the settings selection screen.
Next, if you would like to name the CF card, turn the SELECT dial until '4.5 CARD NAME' is
displayed then press the ENTER button.
Confirm that 'CARD A' (or CARD B) is displayed then press the SELECT dial.
You can now enter the card name. Turn the SELECT dial to choose alphanumeric
Press the SELECT dial to confirm your selected character.
• Available characters:
Alphabet letters (capitals); numerals; katakana characters; sonant marks (i.e. dots & circles
added to kana symbols to indicate voiced consonants and 'p' sounds); spaces; and the
following symbols:
! # $ % & ' ( ) @ ^
{ }
Press the SELECT dial to move to the cursor forward one space.
Press the SELECT dial to move the cursor back one space.
Press the SELECT dial to insert a single space.
Press the SELECT dial to delete a single character.
• END:
Completes the character input and finalizes the card name.
* Pressing the MODE button during character input displays a confirmation screen asking you
whether or not to cancel the card name input. Please note that selecting 'YES' and pressing the
ENTER button returns you to the default screen and cancels all settings made up to that point.